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Testy Group

This group is here specifically to test shit.

The first thing we will test is the annoying white lines that appear between blings which are vertically stacked and the problem that carriage returns don't work as they are supposed to.

The format is:

[bling number][bling number] (carriage return)

[bling number][bling number] (carriage return)

and the result is this:


[bling number][bling number] (2 carriage returns)

[bling number][bling number] (carriage return)

and the result is this:

That white line between the 2 rows of bling is not supposed to be there!

But it IS there because it takes TWO carriage returns to force a new line in group descriptions. Why is that????

Trying [bling number][bling number][br][bling number][bling number] ...

Trying [table][tr][td][bling 116036][bling 116035][br][bling 116034][bling 116033][/td][/tr][/table]

Topic(s): Other
Associate Moderators: Discretion4Sur, community, rm_NassyFox

Discretion4Sur 69M

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Topics in Testy Group
View  Recent | Active

PostAuthorViewsCommentsLast Update
Welcome to my testy members
67  7  2/15/2010
center command
107  15  1/13/2011
testing in beta
1  0  6/24/2010
11/28 3:32 pm test thread
9  1  1/29/2010
Thread test
15  1  1/5/2010
Testy post to try out Nassy's bg command
21  2  12/6/2009
white line
38  5  11/3/2009

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